My Projects

Chess Gameplay Analysis

Chess Gameplay Analysis is a ML model to assess points of sub-optimal decision making in a game of chess, ie. critical position. The model uses classification algorithm to find the critical position, a position in chess where one player has to make a crucial move to avoid the game from being steered in an unfavorable direction. Compared among Logistic Regression, Bagged & Boosted Trees, Random Forest, and Naïve-Bayes to model target variables to improve precision.

Tools & Technologies: R, Python.

Twitter Nature Trend

A dashboard application displays the sentiment of trending tweets and polarity of hashtags. Developed an NLP model on ensemble of classifiers - Logistic Regression, SVC, and Naïve-Bayes to improve accuracy. Designed the dashboard using ReactJs and developed the back-end using Django Python framework.

Tools & Technologies: Python, ReactJs, Redux, Twitter API, SQLite.

Article Reach Estimation for News Editors

Developed an NLP model to compare an article against a repository of news articles using NLTK packages. The application recommends keywords and hashtags to improve article's impact, and social media reach. Designed the dashboard using ReactJs and developed the back-end using Django Python framework.

Tools & Technologies: Python, ReactJs, Redux, MySQL.

Dashboard Boilerplate

Implemented a dashboard boilerplate using ReactJS with Redux configuration. It allows users to quickly get started with the application by populating tabe with preconfigured axios API actions and reducers.

Tools & Technologies: ReactJs, Redux.